Our Appointment System
All patients to need to phone before coming to the surgery.
When you ring us, our staff may ask you some questions to determine your condition. These questions help us to determine the best action to take but also helps protect our staff and other vulnerable patients.
If appropriate, you may receive a call back from a GP or be given other relevant advice.
If you need a repeat prescription, please leave a message on our script line along with the name of the chemist you would like your prescription to be sent to. Please allow 48 hours for repeat scripts.
Thank you.
Protocol for making appointments
The Oaks Family Practice offers a variety of pre-booked appointments i.e. 24 hours, 72 hours, 2 weeks and on the day appointments.
Each appointment is 10 minutes unless otherwise stated.
Pre-booked appointments are available to book every day.
Medicals and minor operations can be done any day with a double appointment.
New patient medicals are made with the treatment room nurses.
Triage appointments are opened at 8.30am every morning and once these are full any further patients requiring to speak to a GP that day urgently will be offered a triage call with the GP on call that day.
Emergency cases will be seen immediately.
Practice Nurses and treatment room operate an appointment system except in urgent cases, when immediate treatment is available.
Consultation Times
Consultation Times: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 11.30pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Patient wanting to see the Treatment Room Nurse
Treatment room hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 6.00pm. Treatment room runs 2 lists - both lists have a mix of pre-booked or on the day appointments.
Please make a separate appointment for each person.
If you cannot attend, please cancel as soon as possible.
The Practice offers pre-bookable appointments for all GP's. Please ring the surgery for details.
Home Visits
Please telephone before 11.00am. Only those too ill to travel will be seen at home. It is inappropriate to request a house call because of lack of transport or other non medical social factors. Urgent home visits will be seen as soon as possible.